Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Year, New Thoughts

Hey Y'all. I haven't been really into updating here. Sorry. There's so much that I want to say, but yet I can't say it in this forum. Shame. The entire world needs to hear it. I haven't felt like saying much of anything else. I stand in awe at the Creator.

When persecution arises, who will be there?
No one.
Who will come to my defense?
No one.
No one but you my G-d.

There's not one ounce of strength left within me,
yet I am still standing by your grace and mercy.

My L-rd, come to my aid.
Rid me of my trial and turn my mourning into joy.

Comfort me, oh G-d, 'tis another day of need --
needing you -- needing your saving grace and perfecting love.

My soul cries out -- L-rd, my G-d, take over.
Bring glory to your name
so that all the world would know you are G-d.

And I will sing your praises among those who hate you.
Though they shoot arrows, a melody will arise from my heart
to your throne -- one that speaks of your goodness to me.

How you saved me.
How you forgave me and gave me life as a sign
of your love for the world.

Lebanese Flower. My favorite restaurant with some of my favorite people.
Entertaining the kids at church with Christmas carols.
My 1st Thanksgiving. Yes, I cooked all this.