Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Houston, We Have Landed

I arrived at 10pm last night. Never have I been treated so well as a woman before. The male airport staff escorted me to the front of the lines for my visa and eye scan. The men were made to wait while I got my stuff taken care of. I felt almost bad cutting the line of 50 men. Not! :)

I met my administration last night. They took us to our apartments to get settled in. Mine is located in the downtown area and I'm on the 3rd floor. My roommate is from England. Our place is very large and I even have my own bathroom!!

We stayed up far to late in a returning teacher's apartment. I met a woman from Spain and got to speak some Spanish with her last night.

We have lots of meetings and tours this week. Getting settled in.

I won't have internet access in my home for some time. Please be patient. No pictures yet. I must wait until I get my resident visa to do that. I will try to update from school if I can.

I have a feeling this is going to be a good place for me. Everyone seems so positive, encouraging and very supportive. Very different from Taiwan (in general). I can honestly say that I'm excited to be here. I want to make the most of the next two years.

Just to give you an idea of the weather: Last night it was 98 degrees at 10pm. Today will be around 115 degrees!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Leaving in a Few Hours

I can't believe it's time to leave already. I've had a rough summer and am looking forward to going, but on the flip side, had a fantastic summer with new family (ei CCN people). I love you guys and will miss you. I look to next summer to spend time with you again...

Do the things I can't do...and do it well with excellence unto Him.